The Birth of our Son

Our little baby boy arrived the other day and Mom and baby are both doing very well. We wanted to make a quick post so all our fan’s could see some pictures of Rhys, which is pronounced like the candy “Reese’s Pieces”. Everything with the photography studio will be shut down for the next week to give us time to adjust to being parents. After that it will be business as usual for Jeremy starting Monday, November 4. Jen will be taking a leave from photography until March 2014 at which time she will resume running the portrait side of the business. While Jen is away Jeremy will be handling all the portrait shoots as well as his regular duties as head wedding and engagement photographer.

The Details
Full Name: Rhys Hunter Martel
Birthday: Saturday, October 26, 2013
Time: 12:24pm
Weight: 8lbs 2.5oz
Height: 54cm
Location of Birth:
He was born in the comfort of our home with the assistance of our two dedicated midwives and close family friend (and honorary sister) Heather.

A big thank you to the all the new Grandparents, our family and friends for helping us get prepared your support has meant so much to us.

Thank you to all of you for all your love, support and compliments.

Jeremy & Jennifer Martel

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  • Jenafor

    I just wanted to take a minute and congratulate the both of you on your beautiful baby boy! Jen… SO much respect to you for having a home birth! I also delivered my baby at home, and although it was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced, it was also the hardest!! SO proud of the both of you!! Enjoy this next chapter in your lives! 🙂


    • Jeremy Martel

      Jen 🙂
      Thank you so much for taking the time to write us such a wonderful message. After sharing in the experience of Jen delivering our son I have a new respect for the strength, physical capacity and will each woman possesses. Setting ourselves up for a home birth was the best decision we could have ever made and it warms my heart to hear that you and your husband were able to share in the same experience when you delivered your daughter. Thank you again for your message and I wish you and your family all the best.

      Jeremy & Jennifer

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